Ukiah Adult SchoolUkiah Unified School District

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The Power of Partnership, Innovation and Learning

Health & Safety Plan

Goals and Objectives
It is the primary goal of Ukiah Adult School to assure adequate, safe, clean, and healthy facilities conducive to enhancing excellent learning and working environments for our staff, students, and guests. Policies and procedures are adopted, implemented, and in use to reduce emergency health care needs, sickness, and accidents and to deal with them if they arise.
Outline of Activities to Achieve Objectives

Ukiah Adult School maintains safety measures at the site for the benefit of students and staff, with the following required: The school is alarmed by an independent security company to insure appropriate and safe use of facilities. Fire extinguishers and first aid kits are in each classroom. Fire safety procedures and escape plans are posted in the classrooms and offices, and fire extinguishers inspected annually. Fire drills take place once a month. Policies regarding smoking and tobacco use, alcohol and drug use, weapons, dress codes, sexual harassment and a uniform complaint procedure are in the student handbook. A direct line to the police department is maintained in the office. An intercom system enhances communication to every room. The custodian conducts a monthly safety check for the entire facility. Restrooms are maintained and resupplied daily. A disaster/school safety plan is in place. The parking lot is well lit and close to classrooms and the office. Ukiah Adult School fills out a Ukiah Unified School District Report of Hazard or Safety Issue form if there is a safety issue the maintenance department needs to rectify. Imminent hazards or concerns are addressed immediately.

​Students in the Vocational Nursing program are covered under the district Workers’ Compensation program. Instructions in the student handbook outline the procedures in case an employee or student has an accident or is injured. A Report of Incident form must be completed immediately, as well as a Report of Accident for Workers’ Compensation. Directions are specific for seeking care either at Job Care or the Emergency Room. All copies of forms are sent to the district risk manager who reviews and investigates the incident. Any actions necessary will be employed to insure any injury is addressed immediately, and that the welfare of the staff or student is foremost in all decisions. All information regarding health and safety procedures are distributed to employees and students.
Personnel Responsible for Overseeing the Plan

Ukiah Adult School’s administrator is responsible for maintaining and overseeing policies and procedures necessary to insure staff and student health and safety. The program secretary accepts all accident reports and maintains communication with the district risk manager. Staff suggestions for increased safety are always considered. Any changes or innovations are discussed and approved by the advisory committee
Timelines for the Review, Evaluation and Revision of the Plan

Review and evaluation of health and safety policies and procedures must be on-going in addition to an annual review. Any change that would benefit the health and safety of staff or students must be implemented immediately as that is the primary concern of the program. Regular Health and Safety Plan review and evaluation with input from students, staff, and faculty generates ideas for specific or overall improvement and revision, with approval of the advisory committee.